Wednesday 13 June 2012

What’s the best exercise?

One question that I get asked more than any other is this one.

More often than not the question is followed by ‘….for weight loss’ and then of course there are variations of the question, ‘I’ve heard swimming is the best exercise for weight loss, is that true?’ ‘Running is the best exercise for weight loss isn’t it?’

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to spot the link, and though it makes me a little sad that so many people’s only motivation for exercising is weight loss, it’s a reality that we as fitness professionals really should embrace.

The answer to the question by the way is very simple…..the best exercise is the one you will do.

If weight loss is your goal then consistency is what you should be looking for. Is going to the gym a chore? Do you resent having to get up early to fit in a swim? Is running boring? Then stop. These are not the things that will give you the body you want because you don’t enjoy them.

Enjoyment leads to adherence (actually turning up) and adherence leads to results. Have you been a member of more than 2 gyms this year? Have you got a treadmill in your home? Have you tried going on a diet? Then you probably haven’t got the body you want. And you probably won’t ever have. Unless you make some changes.

There are two things you need to know:

1.   You can make your body look and feel great.
2.   It won’t happen just because you want it to.

So what do you want? How much do you want it? What are you prepared to change to get it? More importantly, what are you prepared to change permanently to get it? In this case you want weight loss, and you say you want it a lot, but what are you actually prepared to change. If it means giving something up, forever, or adding something new, forever, will you still do it?

If you are on a diet, or a member of a gym, or have a treadmill, ask yourself these questions:

1.   Do I enjoy doing these things?
2.   Can I really do these things forever?

If the answer is yes, brilliant. You are on your way! If the answer is no, relax. You are not alone. You are in fact far from alone but you can do something about changing this.

Eat and drink things you like. You know the stuff that’s not doing you any favours, so try and swap this for better choices. Better is better, even if better isn’t perfect. Like chips? Eat chips. But eat oven chips. As good as a baked potato? Not really, but better than those you’ll find from your local chip shop.

As for exercise, there are all sorts of games, sports and activities, that you can do. I don’t know what you will like doing but I know when you find it, you will keep doing it.

Good Luck and Enjoy.

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